
Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Winners in Action: Team Malayang Tanghalan’s Pop-up Theater Initiative

The Project formed a core team with 3 artist collectives and organisations. They have co-designed the refined experimental theatre that is flexible and adaptive for various spaces and locations. They conducted a Training of Trainers on Basic Integrated Theater Arts Workshop and have started building up the “theatre.” They already forged partnerships with Brgy. Irisan and Brgy. West Quirino Hill and started site visits and workshops in the area and are currently preparing for the Pop up theatres come Cordillera Day this April 2024.


Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Winners in Action: Team Sulong Bayan’s Happy Paws Pet Park

A MOA with CEPMO was signed for the development of the Pet Park. The site identified was secured. The team worked with young architects and hired laborers for the construction. The Pet Park is at least 70% done, with just some finishing left e.g. walkways, fencing etc. A tree-planting activity was also conducted with youth volunteers. The Pet Park has been receiving some donations from individuals and the private sector.


Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Winners in Action: Team Saluysoy’s IP Center Hub Renewal Project

 A site evaluation was conducted and a youth gathering at the IP Center aimed for collective site visit, evaluation and co-designing session. A 3-D design model was finalised based on these. They are starting the renovation currently starting off with some repairs, repainting and purchasing of equipment. Talks with CEPMO are still ongoing as the Project needs greater technical and budget boost.


Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Winners in Action: Team Salun-at’s Wellness Hub

The 2 teams were successfully merged (Team Aywan and Mens Amica) combining both the mobile and digital wellness hub approach. They partnered with medical interns of Saint Louis University and local barangay governments. They have already conducted training for youth psychological first aid responders, alternative healing modalities (including acupuncture), traditional herbal medicine production and at least 2 runs of the mobile wellness hub. The digital wellness hub is currently underway.


The First Kalinga Environmental Youth Summit

The first Kalinga Environmental Youth Summit was held at the St. Tonis College Gymnasium last April 7, 2024.

As part of CYC’s advocacy for environmental protection and sustainability, we, together with Dap-ayan ti Kultura iti Kordilyera, held an environmental summit in Tabuk, Kalinga. The summit was attended by around 100 youth and students from different schools and towns in the province.

There were different discussions on climate change, its impact to the indigenous peoples, the youth of the role in changemaking, and the role of culture and arts in environmental sustainability.

After the discussions, there was a breakout session to allow the students to discuss about the situations in their schools and communities and how they can contribute in addressing them.

A cultural workshop was also held that allowed the participants to explore different methods such as soil painting, song writing, and theater, in advocating for the environment. Their outputs were presented at the end of the program.

Lastly, a Manifesto of Unity expressing support for the fight for environmental protection in the province of Kalinga was signed by the participants.



Mobile Youth Hub back in Session Road

Last April 21, 2024, the Safe and Sound Cities Baguio Mobile Youth Hub stationed again at the Sundays in Session Road. This time, in partnership with Say-ang Arts Collective!

Say-ang, a CYC youth organization partner, launched their “Written From (Surat a Naggapo) zine! It is a compilation of poems, prose, artworks and photographs from various young artists telling their everyday stories of struggle and resistance. It also highlighted the role of the youth in city and nation-building.

The activity coincided with the Baguio Literary and Music Festival and also served as a venue to invite fellow young people for the People’s Cordillera Day last April 24.

Congrats, Say-ang!



40th People’s Cordillera Day Celebration

Situtured nga Iyabante Ti Pannakidangadang Para Iti Daga, Dayaw, Ken Biag!

After five years of decentralized Peoples’ Cordillera Day, a grand gathering celebrating four decades of the Cordilleran Mass Movement was conducted on April 23-24 in Tanglag, Lubuagan, Kalinga.

This celebration was a commemoration of the death of the Cordilleran hero Ama Macli-ing Dulag and the Cordilleran Indigenous Peoples’ struggle for self-determination and the protection of their lands. The event was attended by over 1,500 people coming from all over, including youth leaders and volunteers from the Cordilleran Youth Center.

The event was filled with cultural performances both from the residents of the host community and the delegates. Other activities include discussions on sectoral issues and challenges as well as a workshop on Indigenous culture.

We revisit the past for lessons and guidance to face the ever looming threats and oppression we exprience

With this event, the youth revisits the past, looks upon their elders for lessons and guidance, exposes themselves not only to issues affecting them; Bringing back with them newfound courage and knowledge to create a safer and more inclusive country.



Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Youth Innovation Challenge Winners

After months of grueling training and mentorship, we have finally come to conclusion and selected the winners of the first-ever Liwliwa Ya Sursuro Baguio Youth Innovation Challenge!

Meet our winning teams:

TEAM SULONG BAYAN: Happy Paws Pet Park. Watch out for the first-ever pet park in the City! A green social and recreation hub for pet-owners to create human-human and human-nature relationships and enhance their bond to their pets upholding our constituent’s mental and physical well-being.

TEAM MALAYANG TANGHALAN: Pop-up Theater. Bringing theater to our communities and our communities to the theater! Designed as a mobile theater that will pop-up in various communities, it shall provide performers to own a stage and communities to be engaged in cross-cultural exchanges.

TEAM SALUYSOY: Pagsasabatan: IP Center Community Hub Renewal. Transforming an underutilized space into a place of convergence, creativity and knowledge transfer! By fostering a genuine sense of relational well-being and ownership through place-making, the project aim to transform the IPC from a mere option into an integral extension of the lives of our Baguio youth!

TEAM AYWAN AND MENS AMICA: Baguio Community Wellness Hub & Wellness on Wheels. Digital and mobile place-making strategy combined in addressing mental health concerns? Let us all journey with our 2 teams to merge their innovations in setting up a digital wellness hub and a wellness hub on wheels!

We from the Cordilleran Youth Center and the rest of the Safe and Sound Baguio Team extend our heartfelt gratitude to all our young innovators and finalists in wholeheartedly participating and pouring effort in this Innovation Challenge ultimately aimed in helping address urban challenges.

We thank all our teams, members of the jury, mentors, partners and volunteers and coming together to make this undertaking a huge success!

Stay tuned as we introduce deeper all our winning initiatives and let us journey with them as they turn these ideas into actual projects!


Youth Innovation Challenge Pitch Competition

Eight groups presented their pitch after series of training and mentoring sessions to finally select the winning initiatives for the Youth Innovation Challenge!

We thank all our teams for their all-out effort and dedication in making this journey a very colorful and fruitful one! Cheers to Teams Arubayan, Aywan, Baguio Young Defenders, Empitech, Malayang Tanghalan, Mens Amica, Nothing About Us Without Us, Saluysoy, Sulong Bayan and Sursuron Ina Ya Alapo!

We also like to thank our esteemed Jury for the selection process:

(left to right) Ms. Joanna Cariño, Eng. Kurt Paningbatan, Ms. Louise Montenegro, Dr. Padmapani Perez, Dr. Erlinda Palaganas, Mr. Philip Felipe, and Ms. Keidy Transfiguracion

Take a look at some snaps of the Pitch Competition last January 13, 2024!

By the youth, for the youth and for the city! Join us as our winning teams roll out their innovative projects aimed in making baguio safe and sound!



International Human Rights Day Celebration: Mobile Youth Hub in Session Road!

In commemoration of the International Human Rights Day, our Mobile Youth Hub finally arrived at the iconic Session Road! We thank the local government for providing us a great spot for a bunch of activities. We also thank our partners, volunteers, artists and performers and everyone who made the MYH memorable.


Public spaces for public discussions, performances and interaction! What a great way to have our mobile youth hub in Session Road.

Cheers for Tongtongan Ti Umili, Cordillera Human Rights Alliance, College Editors Guild of the Philippines, Innabuyog Gabriela Youth, Sulong Likha, UP Artists Circle, Say-ang Arts Collective for leading activities such as the public exhibit on the Baguio People’s Agenda and the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Pose for Human Rights, One Billion Rising flash mob, performances and the amazing chalk art on streets!

Hundreds of young people also joined the March for Human Rights and the Solidarity Program later the day.

We would also like to thank the Community Health Education Services and Training in Cordillera Region (CHESTCORE) and the SLU medical interns’ community rotation who volunteered for a free medical assistance and consultation at our booth!

Partner with us and let’s bring the Mobile Youth Hub to your barangays, schools and other spaces! Message us for partnerships.