Our Service Area

The Cordillera Region

northern part of the Philippines

indigenous region, where Igorots are located

The Cordillera Youth

  • Majority of Cordillera’s population
  • Concentrated in Baguio City and in town centers of the region’s six provinces
  • Considerable number of youth in the city are non-indigenous students who are attending formal education
  • Baguio City is the education center of the north.
  • As part of the student sector, Cordillera students suffer from a commercialized, colonial and repressive educational system.
  • Instead of providing the students with skills and knowledge appropriate for the particularity of their indigenous communities, the educational system institutionalizes discrimination, passivity, and blind obedience to “authorities”.
  • As part of the larger Cordillera community, they suffer from the damage inflicted by development aggression such as dams and mining, and by intensive military operations in the region.
  • Traditional cultural practices have been disrupted and traditional socio-political institutions are continuously under attack.
  • As sons and daughters of farmers and workers, they bear hardships caused by semi-feudal exploitation and oppression.
  • The encroachment of cash-crop economy into the indigenous agricultural economy has negative impacts on the livelihood of the people.
  • Historically, the Cordillera youth and students played significant roles in the overall development work and peoples’ struggle.

The Cordillera Youth

  • Majority of Cordillera’s population
  • Concentrated in Baguio City and in town centers of the region’s six provinces
  • Considerable number of youth in the city are non-indigenous students who are attending formal education
  • Baguio City is the education center of the north.
  • As part of the student sector, Cordillera students suffer from a commercialized, colonial and repressive educational system.
  • Instead of providing the students with skills and knowledge appropriate for the particularity of their indigenous communities, the educational system institutionalizes discrimination, passivity, and blind obedience to “authorities”.
  • As part of the larger Cordillera community, they suffer from the damage inflicted by development aggression such as dams and mining, and by intensive military operations in the region.
  • Traditional cultural practices have been disrupted and traditional socio-political institutions are continuously under attack.
  • As sons and daughters of farmers and workers, they bear hardships caused by semi-feudal exploitation and oppression.
  • The encroachment of cash-crop economy into the indigenous agricultural economy has negative impacts on the livelihood of the people.
  • Historically, the Cordillera youth and students played significant roles in the overall development work and peoples’ struggle.

Our Beneficiaries

Partner youth and children organizations

Local government units, agencies and institutions

Students, faculty and administrators​

Media and student journalists

General public

Our Beneficiaries

Partner youth and children organizations

Students, faculty and administrators

Local government units, agencies and institutions

Media and student journalists

General public


Serves at the Secretariat of the Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network, a network of indigenous youth organizations and individuals in the Cordillera​

Private Sector Representative of the NEDA-CAR’s Regional Social Development Committee

Member of the Regional Population Executive Board of Commission of Population (POPCOMM)-CAR​


Serves at the Secretariat of the Asia Young Indigenous Peoples Network, a network of indigenous youth organizations and individuals in the Cordillera​​

Private Sector Representative of the NEDA-CAR’s Regional Social Development Committee​

Member of the Regional Population Executive Board of Commission of Population (POPCOMM)-CAR​​

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