
39th Cordi Day

LEARNING EXCHANGES: #39thPeoplesCordilleraDay at Baguio City

Last April 28, Baguio celebrated the People’s Cordillera Day through educational discussions, cultural exchanges, workshops, and performances. The youth actively participated in the discussions tackling the issues of Baguio as well of the region. Cultural workshops were also held, playing indigenous instruments and learning indigenous knowledge and practices. These activities helped the youth of Baguio connect with the culture of the region.

To cap off the celebration of People’s Cordillera Day at Baguio City, a cultural jam and performance was also held. With other sectors and organizations, the youth of Baguio performed through songs, poetry, and theatre arts.

Through these learning and cultural exchanges, the youth of Baguio were able to further connect with the rich history and culture of the region, helping them situate themselves in making Baguio city more inclusive and cultural sensitive.
